Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Apple is now the world`s most valuable brand, with Google are top risers. Samsung is 8th.

WorldWide Tech & Science. Francisco De Jesùs.

Apple is now the world`s most valuable brand, with Google are top risers. Samsung is 8th.

After 13 years of being the world's most valuable brand, Coca-Cola has dropped to third place in the annual ranking by consultancy Interbrand, ceding leadership to the Apple (+28%) and also being overtaken by Google (+34%), in a list that Zara takes.

With the iPhone 5C and 5S newly released and while the queues to get them last, Apple is worth, according to this report in USD 98 316 million. This implies that its value has gone up 28% over last year and becomes the most valuable company in history, according to this report that since 2000 classifies the hundred most valuable companies in the world and is based on business practice , 2012. 

"Vary from time to time, a company not only changed our lives with their products, but with its ethos. This is the reason why, after 13 years with Coca-Cola on top of the world's top brands, Interbrand has a new number one, "says the report. 

Google has grown even more than Apple in the past year, 34%, and is valued at 93 291 million, while still diversifying search task and last year launched Google products like glasses.

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