Saturday, January 25, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Is Samsung teasing a bendable Shirt Pocket size Galaxy Tab to come? .

BREAKING NEWS: Is Samsung teasing a Galaxy Tab bendable?

Samsung is really teasing a  bendable Galaxy tab on Facebook Samsung page. We don`t know if it is just a concept or if Samsung is letting us to know, what could come up next.

The picture below shows some icons on the device like Youtube, @ email, web, accuweather and more we cannot see clear.

Samsung just launched the Galaxy Round the world`s first smartphone with a flexible smart display, making it curved.

Flexible smart displays will alllow any smartphone or tablet manufacturer to make a bendable tablet and who knows if a bendable smartphone as well.

Samsung makes on Facebook a wonder and ask:

hmmm,what can this be?
It sure does look like a bendable Samsung Galaxy Tab... 

Will it be launched at CES 2014 or MWC 2014?
Would you buy one bendable Galaxy Tab, that could fit in your shirt pocket?

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