Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Samsung Galaxy Gear reaches 800.000 units sold in two months.

Samsung Electronics said today Tuesday Nov 19th, 2013 ,its Galaxy Gear has become the world's most popular smartwatch with sales reaching 800,000 since its debut two months ago.

Priced at around $300, the Gear works as an accessory to its market leading Galaxy smartphone, with a small OLED screen offering basic functions like photos, hands-free calls and message notifications.

"It's the most sold wearable watch available in the market place...and we plan to expand its availability by expanding mobile devices that work with the Gear," Samsung said in a statement.

The Galaxy Gear was first laucnhed as a Galaxy Note 3  and Galaxy Note 10.1 companion assistant.

Samsung is bringing compatibility for its Galaxy Gear to  Galaxy S 4 as well as the Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note II through an Android 4.3 update. While those are the big ones, the wearable will soon hook up to a whole swathe of Samsung devices (Galaxy S4 Mini, S4 Active, Mega 5.8, Mega 6.3, and Galaxy S4 Zoom) in an update.

Buy the Galaxy Gear on Amazon store:

Buy the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Unlocked:

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